Monday, January 17, 2011


I wanted to do this because it was something different. It's something that all my friends weren't doing. It's something I enjoy and actually want to do for a career; better yet for the rest of my life. There are always risk to starting a business though, I knew nothing is sure-fire, and there are big risks attached to starting any kind of business. But, I surrounded myself with the right people, people I knew that won't change for the money, fame, & power. I got guys with different experiences, different backgrounds, & different specialties; we're actually so diverse, and equally talented, that we contribute to this business of ours in our own way. This is why we're called FINEST. Not being finest because we're fly, fresh, and standout, but, FINEST because we do things different. We're a bunch of young kids aiming for a bright and successful future. You'll see all this hard-work payoff soon. Trust me, you'll remember us.

First Class Only. Finest.